Am I Eligible for the Stomach Sleeve or Gastric Sleeve?

If you are considering the stomach sleeve or gastric sleeve, one of the first things you will want to know is if you are eligible for the surgery. This procedure is not recommended for everyone, and there are some specific criteria that must be met in order to be a candidate.

In this answer, we will discuss the eligibility requirements for the stomach sleeve and help you determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery.

What is the stomach sleeve surgery and how does it work?

The stomach sleeve surgery, also known as the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery that involves removing a portion of the stomach. This reduces the size of the stomach and restricts the amount of food that can be consumed.

The stomach sleeve surgery is usually performed with the laparoscopic method, which means that it is done through small incisions in the stomach. This type of surgery is less invasive than other types of weight loss surgery and has a shorter recovery time.

Who is a good candidate for the surgery?

Generally, stomach sleeve surgery is recommended for people who are obese and have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise. The surgery is also usually only considered for people who have a BMI of 40 or higher.

If you have a BMI between 35 and 39.99, you may be eligible for the surgery if you also have another health condition that is impacted by your weight, such as sleep apnea or type II diabetes.

How much weight can you lose with the surgery?

Most people who have stomach sleeve surgery lose about 60% of their excess body weight within the first year after surgery. This means that if you are 100 pounds overweight, you can expect to lose about 60 pounds after surgery. For most people, this amount of weight loss is enough to improve or resolve other health conditions that are impacted by obesity.

What is the recovery process like?

Recovery from stomach sleeve surgery is typically shorter and less difficult than recovery from other types of weight loss surgery. Most people stay in the hospital for one to two nights after surgery.

You can expect to feel tired and sore for the first few days after surgery, but most people are able to return to their normal activities within a week. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions during the recovery and to attend all of your follow-up appointments.


If you are considering stomach sleeve surgery, the first step is to consult with a weight loss surgeon to see if you are eligible for the surgery. This procedure can be an effective way to lose a significant amount of weight, but it is not right for everyone. Be sure to discuss your goals and expectations with your surgeon to ensure that stomach sleeve surgery is the right choice for you.


We can recommend several affordable packages for stomach sleeve procedures at the best clinics in the world.