Best Bone Graft in Los Algodones Mexico by Sani Dental Group thumbnail

Best Bone Graft in Los Algodones Mexico by Sani Dental Group

Package price starting from: $420
Treatment: Dentistry, Bone Graft
Associated Center: Sani Dental Group
Focus Area: Sani Dental Group | Los Algodones | Mexico | Bone Graft

Bone Grafting Packages in Los Algodones, Mexico

Best Bone Graft Option in Los Algodones Mexico

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure that involves replacing missing bone in the body with material from the patient's own body, a donor, or a synthetic source. It is often performed to repair bone that has been damaged by trauma or disease, or to support dental implants. Los Algodones, Mexico, is a popular destination for bone grafting treatments, with Sani Dental Group offering a range of packages to suit the needs of different patients.

Sani Dental Group is a leading provider of dental services in Mexico, with a team of experienced and highly trained professionals who use the latest techniques and technology to provide the best possible care. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of choosing bone graft packages in Los Algodones, Mexico, with Sani Dental Group.

Cost of Bone Graft in Los Algodones, Mexico by Sani Dental Group

You can get bone graft packages in Los Algodones, Mexico by Sani Dental Group with the price starts at $420. Check our price list table below to learn more:

City, Country

Cost in USD

Los Algodones, Mexico


United States




Note: price may change and vary depends on complexity of procedures and patient conditions. Click free quote button below to learn more:

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What is a Bone Graft?

When your jaw bone has receded or lost its shape, we can often augment to replace missing bone and help new bone to grow. Depending on where bone loss has occurred, we’ll select the appropriate procedure which can include sinus grafts, bone grafts and ridge preservation.

A sinus graft thickens the walls of bone that forms the upper jaw bone and the floor of the sinus. Bone grafting replaces the height and width of the jaw where bone tissues have receded.

Ridge preservation fills the empty socket of an extracted tooth. For all of these procedures, we first prepare the replacement material which may be from your own bone or bone from another source. Then we make sure that the area is thoroughly numbed. In a sinus graft, we open a small window into the sinus area above the missing tooth and then place bone grafting material on the floor of the sinus.

In a bone grafting procedure, we gently open the gums and place grafting materials onto the areas where the jaw bone has receded. With ridge preservation techniques, we fill the empty socket with bone material after the tooth has been removed.

Depending on the situation, we also apply platelet rich plasma to the site, this material is made from a small sample of your own blood, enhances bone growth and speeds healing.

We may also place a special membrane over the graft to prevent unwanted tissue from growing into the graft site. Last step is to close the grafting site. All those situations vary; we may need to wait for several months after the procedure for the bone to heal before moving on to the next step of your dental treatment.

Advantages of Choosing Bone Graft in Los Algodones, Mexico

  • Cost-effective: One of the most significant advantages of choosing bone graft packages in Los Algodones, Mexico, with Sani Dental Group is the cost savings. The packages are typically priced much lower than in the United States or Canada, which can make them an attractive option for patients who are looking to save money.
  • High-quality care: Despite the lower cost, patients can expect high-quality care when they choose Sani Dental Group for their bone grafting treatment. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care.
  • Convenient location: Los Algodones is located just across the border from Yuma, Arizona, making it a convenient destination for patients who are based in the United States or Canada. Patients can easily drive or fly to Yuma and then cross the border to access the dental services they need.
  • Comprehensive packages: Sani Dental Group offers a range of bone graft packages to suit the needs of different patients. The packages include everything from the initial consultation to the post-operative care, making it easy for patients to get the care they need without any additional hassle or expense.
  • Experience: Sani Dental Group has been providing dental services in Mexico for more than 30 years, making it one of the most experienced providers in the region. Patients can feel confident that they are in good hands when they choose Sani Dental Group for their bone grafting treatment.

Bone Graft Packages Inclusions:

  • Ground transportation from airport to clinic and back
  • For Hotel accommodation, we offer the best hotel in town Hacienda Los Algodones and Cielito Lindo – rates as low as $60.00 per night exclusively for our patients
  • Free shuttle service between the clinic and hotel

Bone Graft Packages Exclusions:

  • Travel expenses: While the bone graft packages offered by Sani Dental Group are priced lower than in the United States or Canada, patients should be aware that they will still need to cover their own travel expenses to and from Los Algodones.
  • Accommodation: Patients will also need to arrange their own accommodation while they are in Los Algodones for their bone grafting treatment.
  • Additional procedures: If patients require additional procedures or treatments beyond the bone grafting procedure, these will be charged separately.
  • Medications: Any medications that patients require for their treatment will be an additional cost.
  • Post-operative care: While Sani Dental Group's bone graft packages include post-operative care, any additional care that patients require beyond what is included in the package will be an additional cost.

Bone Graft Packages Pre-op Tests:

  • X-rays: X-rays are typically required before a bone grafting procedure to assess the condition of the patient's bone and to plan the procedure.
  • Blood tests: Blood tests may be required to check for any underlying medical conditions that could impact the success of the bone grafting procedure.
  • CT scan: A CT scan may be required to provide a more detailed view of the patient's bone and to aid in the planning of the procedure.
  • Dental exam: A dental exam may be required to assess the condition of the patient's teeth and to determine the best approach for the bone grafting procedure.
  • Medical history: Patients will be asked to provide a detailed medical history to ensure that they are good candidates for the bone grafting procedure.

Highly Qualified Dentists in Los Algodones, Mexico

Best Dentist in Algodones, Mexico - Sani Dental Group

Why Choose Dental Treatment in Los Algodones, Mexico

  • Extensively trained Doctors with more accumulated experience that any other clinic in Los Algodones.
  • Member of the ADA (American Dental Association).
  • We do not have a single doctor that does everything, if necessary,your dental treatment can be performed by one, two, three or more doctors. You will be seen by a specialist for each treatment you require.
  • Unlike other clinics or private practices, we rely on-site laboratory that gives us a great advantage, because you have your dentist and your lab technician in the same place and between them determines the most appropriate way to carry out the treatment.
  • Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing in dental Laboratory (Cad Cam Technology).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Why would someone need a bone graft in Los Algodones, Mexico?

A: Someone may need a bone graft in Los Algodones, Mexico, if they have a bone injury, disease or condition that affects their bone structure. A bone graft may be necessary to promote bone growth, improve bone density, or restore the shape and strength of the affected bone.

Q: What types of bone grafts are available in Los Algodones, Mexico?

A: There are three types of bone grafts available in Los Algodones, Mexico: autografts, allografts, and xenografts. Autografts use bone tissue from the patient's own body, while allografts use bone tissue from a donor. Xenografts use bone tissue from an animal source.

Q: What is the recovery time for a bone graft in Los Algodones, Mexico?

A: The recovery time for a bone graft in Los Algodones, Mexico, can vary depending on the type of graft, the extent of the procedure, and the individual patient's health. However, in general, patients can expect to need several weeks of recovery time, during which they may need to avoid certain activities and follow specific post-operative instructions to promote healing.

Q: What is the success rate of bone grafts in Los Algodones, Mexico?

A: The success rate of bone grafts in Los Algodones, Mexico, is generally high, with many patients experiencing significant improvement in their bone structure and function. However, success rates can vary depending on the individual patient's health, the type of graft, and other factors.

Request a Consultation for Bone Graft in Los Algodones, Mexico at PlacidWay!

If you are interested in learning more about bone graft packages in Los Algodones, Mexico, with Sani Dental Group, contact PlacidWay Medical Tourism to book your consultation. Our team of experts can help you navigate the process of traveling for dental treatment in Los Algodones, Mexico, and can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your care. Click contact us button below for more information:

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