No doubt about it, self breast exams, yearly checks at your annual doctor's visits and mammograms have helped to save millions of women's lives to date. The earlier a breast tumor or mass is found, the more treatment options you have. The earlier breast cancer is treated, the better your overall prognosis.

One of the most common types of breast cancer diagnosed in women is called ductal carcinoma in situ or DCIS. Researchers today believe that abnormal cell growth found within the milk ducts of the female breast may be considered a very early stage of breast cancer development.  Treatment involves the removal of these abnormal cells and tissues, yet leave most of the breast tissue intact. 

However, recent research developed by the National Cancer Institute has shown that there may also be detrimental aftereffects of this early type of breast cancer surgery. For example, in an effort to save larger amounts of breast tissue, more women who undergo "breast tissue saving methodologies" may need additional surgery to treat recurrences within a decade following the initial procedure.

This is not to suggest that women opt for severe or radical surgical procedures or mastectomy to deal with early-stage breast cancer, but to encourage women to be aware that breast tissue conserving surgical methods today may not permanently or indefinitely take care of problems in the future.

Many women undergoing early breast cancer procedures enjoy decades of cancer-free living, and the benefits of undergoing surgical procedures to remove small tumors and early cancerous growth are certainly beneficial and recommended.



The key to finding the right treatment for your type of breast cancer is through diligence, research and monitoring. Numerous options and treatments are available for many different types of cancer including:


Many different types of breast cancer also determine options for treatment. Some of the most common types of breast cancer include but are not limited to:

  • DCIS – Ductal carcinoma in situ
  • Tubular carcinoma of the breast
  • Invasive lobular carcinoma
  • Capillary carcinoma of the breast
  • Medullary carcinoma of the breast
  • Inflammatory breast cancer

The key to understanding your diagnosis is to research the specific type of breast cancer with which you have been diagnosed, as well as potential treatment options, results and short-term and long-term prognosis following treatment.

Short-term treatment plans that include chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of both offer a positive prognosis for many women following surgery to remove cancerous growths, tumors, or cellular development. Each and every case is unique, so it's impossible to expect all women to undergo the same treatment plans with the same anticipated results.

The cancer treatment plan also depends on the type of cancer you have, it's etiology, and the stage in which it has been discovered. Additional factors such as your age, your overall health condition, and personal decisions regarding treatment also affect treatment plans. The sequence of breast cancer treatments you undergo also depend on individualized case scenarios.


Understand your risks of not only developing breast cancer, but the risk of recurrence. If you've been diagnosed with any type of breast cancer, talk to your doctor about treatments, options and potential side effects and benefits. Talk about short-term and long-term benefits of one treatment over another. Most importantly, be an informed patient.

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