Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

Are you tired of constantly struggling with your weight and want to undergo a life-changing gastric sleeve surgery but are worried about the cost? Well, worry no more! Mexico is the perfect destination for affordable gastric sleeve surgery with world-class medical facilities. 

As a witty guide, let me take you on a journey to explore the cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico, and how it can help you regain control of your life and body. 

Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico

When it comes to the cost of gastric sleeve surgery, Mexico offers unbeatable prices compared to other countries. The cost of the surgery in the United States and Canada ranges from $18,000 to $19,500, while in Mexico, it starts from as low as $3,500.


Gastric Sleeve Price



United States





Mexico's low prices do not mean you have to compromise on quality. With world-renowned bariatric surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities, Mexico is a top destination for gastric sleeve surgery. 

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a minimally invasive weight-loss surgery. The procedure involves the removal of a significant portion of the stomach, leaving a sleeve-shaped pouch. The new stomach size restricts the amount of food you can eat, leading to rapid weight loss. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is an excellent option for individuals who have tried other weight loss methods, such as diet and exercise, without success. It is ideal for those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher and suffer from obesity-related health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea. 

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery are immense. Not only does it lead to significant weight loss, but it also helps improve obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. It also improves your overall quality of life by increasing your mobility and reducing your dependence on medications. 

Choosing a Bariatric Surgeon in Mexico

Choosing the right bariatric surgeon is crucial for a successful surgery outcome. Mexico is home to some of the best bariatric surgeons globally, but it is essential to research and select the one that suits your needs and requirements. 

When choosing a surgeon, make sure they have extensive experience in performing gastric sleeve surgery and a high success rate. Check their credentials, read patient reviews, and schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and expectations.

10 Best Gastric Sleeve Surgeons in Mexico

If you're considering undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico, it's important to choose a highly skilled and experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Here, we've compiled a list of the top 10 gastric sleeve surgeons in Mexico, based on their qualifications, experience, and patient reviews.



Dr. Ricardo Garcia Audelo


Dr. Martin Esteban Orduno Felix


Marco Sarinana


Dra. Gabriela Rodríguez


Dr. Jorge Reyes Mendiola


Dr. Octavio Jimenez


Dr. Rodolfo Aparicio Ponce


Dr.Alberto Carlos


Dr. Oscar Gastelum


Dr. Edgar Serrano


Preparing for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Preparation is key to a successful gastric sleeve surgery. Your surgeon will provide you with a detailed list of instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, which may include dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and medication management. 

It is essential to follow these instructions carefully and inform your surgeon of any pre-existing health conditions or medications you are taking.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Procedure

The gastric sleeve surgery procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes one to two hours. The surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen and inserts a laparoscope, a small camera, to guide the surgical instruments. The surgeon removes a significant portion of the stomach, leaving a sleeve-shaped pouch. 

After the procedure, you will be monitored in the hospital for a few days before being discharged to continue your recovery at home.

Discover the Best Clinics for Gastric Sleeve in Mexico

Explore the 5 best clinics for gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico.

Recovery After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Recovery after gastric sleeve surgery varies from person to person, but typically takes around four to six weeks. During this time, it is crucial to follow the post-operative instructions carefully, including a liquid-only diet for the first few days, followed by a gradual transition to solid foods. It is also important to stay hydrated, avoid heavy lifting, and get plenty of rest. 

Your surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and adjust your diet and exercise regimen accordingly. It is essential to attend these appointments and inform your surgeon of any issues or concerns. 

Risks and Complications of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Like any surgery, gastric sleeve surgery comes with some risks and complications. These may include bleeding, infection, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. 

It is essential to discuss the potential risks and complications with your surgeon before the procedure and inform them of any pre-existing health conditions or medications you are taking. 

Traveling to Mexico for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Traveling to Mexico for gastric sleeve surgery is an excellent option for those seeking affordable and quality medical care. Mexico is easily accessible from the United States and Canada, and many medical facilities offer all-inclusive packages that cover transportation, accommodation, and surgery costs. 

However, it is essential to research and select a reputable medical facility and bariatric surgeon. It is also crucial to follow all COVID-19 travel guidelines and restrictions. 


In conclusion, gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is an affordable and life-changing option for those struggling with obesity and related health conditions. With top-rated bariatric surgeons and state-of-the-art medical facilities, Mexico offers world-class medical care at a fraction of the cost. 

However, it is essential to research and select a reputable medical facility and bariatric surgeon, and follow all pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully to ensure a successful surgery outcome.

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